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Senin, 13 Juni 2011

Dia Lelaki ku....

Dia "lelaki ku", sebut saja seperti itu. Tak akan ku sebut nama, tak akan ku sebut asal, dan tak akan ku sebut dia sebagai inisial di kehidupan sehari-harinya...

Entah darimana aku harus bercerita tentang lelaki ku. begitu banyak kebanggaan ku terhadapnya, meski orang - orang sering melecehkannya...

Postur tubuh yang tak begitu tinggi tapi cukup untuk ku, badan tegap, bidangnya dada dan bahunya yang kekar tempat ku terkadang ingin bersandar..

Wajahnya yang tak begitu rupawan tapi membuat ku nyaman saat menatapnya. Terkadang pucat dan gelisah mewarnai rupawan parasnya karena begitu banyak amanah di bawah kekuasaannya.. Sungguh luar biasa...

Dia "lelaki ku", hidung mancung dan mata yang sangat tajam tatapannya yang sangat menggambarkan keras dan egois di balik kepandaiaan da kebaikannya. Sungguh luar biasa lelaki ku itu di mata ku...

Agama tetap dipegang teguh olehnya saat dunia menyibukkanya dengan beribu bahkan berjuta aktivitasnya..

Ku menginginkannya tapi entah seperti apa dia terhadap ku,, aku pun tak tahu dan tak mau tahu...

Dia "lelaki ku", terkadang ada debaran kuat saat bertemu dengannya, tapi terkadang juga debaran itu tak ada dan entah hilang kemana. Serasa luar biasa saat berdebar dan serasa terpuruk saat tak berdebar..

Sempat ku ingin bersama lelaki ku, tapi halnya dia tak menginginkan itu. pikir ku sejenak bahkan lama terkadang tuk renungkan kembali ingin ku...

Memutar pikiran, kelogisan, perasaan, resiko dan tanggung jawab di otak dan di hati ku. Bersujud aku hadap tanah,,, merenung laku tentang salah,, tahta hati ku bukan di sana dan menunggu keajaiban Tuhan datang, meminta yang terbaik dan memohon yang terindah.. tapi, tetap saja Id, Ego dan Superego ini bergejolak...

Tuhan lindungilah dia, simpan lah "lelaki ku" itu hanya untuk ku.....

Selasa, 07 Juni 2011

Ungu- Mabuk Kepayang

cinta kata orang ku jatuh cinta kepada dirimu
cinta sampai tergila-gila
oh rindu, rinduku memikirkan kamu
hanyalah dirimu yang membuatku mabuk kepayang

cinta cinta cinta pada dirimu
rindu rindu rindu akan senyummu
hanya satu kamu yang aku mau
sampai mati kau kan selalu ku tunggu

cinta yang membuat hidupku lebih indah
dari hari yang lalu
cinta yang membuat hati berbunga-bunga
tinggalkan rasa yang lalu

cinta cinta cinta pada dirimu
rindu rindu rindu akan senyummu
hanya satu kamu yang aku mau
sampai mati kau kan selalu ku tunggu

bagaikan racun dia terus membiusku
menebarkan aroma ke dalam seluruh tubusku
detak jantung pun berhenti di saat ku bertemu denganmu
tak kuasa ku menolak

Jumat, 27 Mei 2011

Astaghfirullah... Naudzubillah...

Hi ibu !! Aku memang hanya 3/4 inci doank panjangnya,

Tapi aku sudah punya seluruh organ tubuh.

Aku suka suaramu.

Setiap kali aku mendengarnya, aku pasti menggoyangkan tangan dan kakiku.

Suara detak jantungmu adalah lagu kesukaanku.

Month Two.

Ibuu ,

Hari ini saya belajar mengisap jari saya

Bila kamu bisa melihat saya

Ibu pasti tau kalau saya adalah bayimu.

Saya memang belum cukup besar utk hidup diluar.

Betapa nyaman dan hangat didalam sini, ibu.

Month Three.

Taukah kamu ibu???,

Saya anak perempuan /laki.laki

Saya harap ibu bahagia karenanya.

Saya selalu berharap ibu selalu bahagia.

Karena bila kamu sedih.

Sayapun ikut sedih,

Dan saya pun ikut menangis walaupun ibu tidak bisa mendengarnya.

Month Four.

Ibuu ,

Rambutku mulai tumbuh.

Memang masih pendek dan halus tp akan tumbuh banyak sekali.

Saya telah berlatih lama sekali.

Sehingga saya bisa menengok dan melipat dan merenggangkan kaki dan tangan2 saya.

Saya menjadi ahli dalam hal2 itu.

Month Five.

Kamu pergi ke dokter hari ini.

Tp bu , kenapa ibu bohong kepadaqu ,

Ibu bilang mau periksakan aq , apa itu ABORSI???

Month Six.

Saya bisa mendengar dokter itu lagi.

Saya tidak suka dia.

Dia sangat tidak berperasaan.

Sesuatu datang mengancam rumahku.

Dokter2 itu bilang itu pisau ..





Month Seven.

Ibuu ,

Aku baik2 saja.


Dan dia telah memberitahuku apa itu aborsi.

Mengapa kamu tidak menginginkanku, ibu?

Every abortion is just…

Satu jantung LAGI yg berhenti berdetak.

Dua mata yg tidak dapat lagi melihat dunia.

Dua tangan lagi yg tidak AKAN pernah memegang.

Dua kaki LAGI yg tidak akan pernah bisa berlari dan berjalan.

Satu mulut LAGI yg tidak akan pernah bisa berbicara.

Di Share ulang dari catatan Summer Damayant'

Oleh : Fariel Chelat

The Zoo Story...

Agustin Budiarti
A 3200 80 320
Analysis the Zoo Story

A. Character and characterization

1. Peter:
Peter is a middle-class publishing executive with a wife, two daughters, two cats and two parakeets who lives in ignorance of the world outside his settled life.

2. Jerry:
Jerry is an isolated and disheartened man who lives in a boarding house and is very troubled.

B. Setting:

1. Place: New York's Central Park Zoo.

2. Time: on a sunny afternoon.

C. Plot:

While Peter is reading a book on a bench in Central Park, he is interrupted by Jerry, a total stranger, who announces that he has just been to the zoo. Anxious to return to his reading, Peter reacts with merely vague interest and lights his pipe, but he is immediately made uncomfortable by Jerry’s queries about his marital status, children, work, and menage of cats and parakeets. After repeating that he has been to the zoo and that Peter will read about it in the papers the next day if he does not see it on television that very night, Jerry follows several digressions about sociological class distinctions, literary tastes, and his daylong wanderings. He also gives a detailed description of his rooming house and its characters on the Upper West Side. Peter is embarrassed to hear these sordid details. Jerry says that, unlike Peter, he owns little except for toilet articles, pornographic playing cards, eight or nine books, cutlery, empty picture frames, an old Western Union typewriter that prints nothing but capital letters, and a small box containing letters and some sea-rounded rocks that he picked up on a beach when he was a boy. Then he tells of his mother’s desertion of his father and him, as well as her promiscuity, alcoholism, and death at Christmas. He continues with his father’s accidental death and the demise, on Jerry’s high school graduation day, of his guardian, a dour aunt. Jerry confides that his relationships with women are limited to solitary encounters with prostitutes and that his only love affair was a brief one, at age fifteen, with a Greek boy. Then he launches into a long monologue about his disgusting, lusty, alcoholic landlady and her ugly, savage black dog that attacked Jerry daily whenever he tried to enter the rooming house, although he attempted to pacify it by feeding it hamburger for six days. On the seventh day, he poisoned the meat, and the dog fell extremely ill. Strangely, Jerry no longer wanted the dog to die; he had come to believe that if he could somehow make contact with the dog, he could then make contact with people. The moment of contact passed, however, and was lost. From then on, Jerry and the dog lapsed into mutual indifference. Jerry claims to have learned from this misadventure that kindness and cruelty, like other conflicting emotions, are the reality of being. This story has a hypnotic effect on Peter, who makes no comment during its lengthy recitation. Grotesquely exhausted at the end of the story, Jerry sits down on the bench beside Peter and sees that he has annoyed and confused Peter instead of making a breakthrough in communication. Suddenly playful, he tickles Peter’s ribs, driving Peter into almost hysterical laughter. He pokes Peter, then punches him in the arm and forces him to move down the bench. Easily goaded by Jerry’s insults to his manhood, Peter decides to fight for the bench, but when Jerry clicks open a knife and tosses it at him, Peter refuses to pick it up. Jerry rushes over, grabs him by the collar, slaps him, spits on his face, and forces Peter to dart for the knife. Then, sighing heavily, Jerry charges Peter and impales himself on the knife. As Jerry crumbles back onto the bench, with his eyes and mouth wide in agony, his voice acquires an eerie remoteness. Peter is transfixed as Jerry, with faint laughter, tries to summarize in broken, disjointed sentences his knowledge of his own actions. The world, he has found, is a zoo, and he thanks Peter for ending his anguished life. Slowly wiping clean the knife handle with his own handkerchief, Jerry urges Peter to hurry away. As Peter retreats with a pitiable howl, Jerry ends the play with a combination of scornful mockery and a desperate supplication to the God who failed to give him a cure for his desperate alienation.

D. Point of View:

The point of view is the third person. Narrator is not involved in this drama. The narrator is just telling the story.

E. Themes:

The first theme used within this story is isolation. Regardless of who you are, most people have felt isolation at one point in time during their life. Anyone can really relate to this theme the author used in this play. Jerry feels isolated from the world because he has no one to turn to or talk to. No one really knows if he chooses to be like this or not though. Jerry’s isolation keeps him from communicating with other people while he lives by himself in a room in a 4-story boarding house. Jerry could have isolated himself from everyone else as a defensive trait. Jerry could have been afraid of something harming him or in that sort of nature so he chose to isolate himself from people in general so no harm could come to his well being.

The second theme is social outcast. Jerry himself is a social outcast. Jerry feels that he is portrayed as being rejected by society, even though it is him that chooses to reject himself from society. In turn Jerry is being a loner instead of being a social outcast that is portrayed as the theme of the play. Jerry explains his life to a random man sitting on a park bench. He explains to Peter, the man on the bench, about his life by starting a conversation about what has happened at the zoo in order to talk to Peter.

F. Conclusion:

The conclusion of comic drama is representing the relationship between man versus society.

Kamis, 26 Mei 2011

I Want To Spend My Lifetime Loving You....

by Marc Anthony and Tina Arena

Moon so bright, night so fine
Keep your heart here with mine
Life's a dream we are dreaming

Race the moon, catch the wind
Ride the night to the end
Seize the day, stand up for the light

I want to spend my lifetime loving you
If that is all in life I ever do

Heroes rise, heroes fall
Rise again, win it all
In your heart, can't you feel the glory?

Through our joy, through our pain
We can move worlds again
Take my hand, dance with me

I want to spend my lifetime loving you
If that is all in life I ever do
I will want nothing else to see me through
If I could spend my lifetime loving you

Though we know we will never come again
When there is love, life begins
Over and over again

Save the night, save the day
Save your love, come what may
Love is worth everything we pay

I want to spend my lifetime loving you
If that is all in life I ever do
I want to spend my lifetime loving you
If that is all in life I ever do
I will want nothing else to see me through
If I can spend my life time loving you

Rabu, 25 Mei 2011

The Proposal....

Agustin Budiarti
A 320 080 320

By Anton Chekhov

1. Character and Characterization:

a. Stepan:
Chubukov is a landowner. His physical looks like 60 years old. He is a kind-man and polite, for instance to his neighbor. He is relax and senile.
b. Natalya:
Natalya is a Chubukov’s daughter. She is 25 years old. Natalya is a fussy girl. She wants to get everything what she wants. She is in love, egad, she is like a love-sick cat.
c. Ivan:
Ivan is a neighbor of Chubukov. He is 35 years old, a critical age. Ivan is a large and hearty. If he gets nervous, his heart’s palpitating awfully, especially when face with Natalya. He does not have a brave in front of woman.

2. Setting:
a. Place:
It is happened in Chubunkov’s country-house, exactly a t drawing room.
b. Time:
It is happened in evening, about 7 p.m.

3. Plot Summary:
In the evening, Lomov comes to Chubunkov’s house. He wears evening dress, gloves, hat, and so on. Chubunkov is surprised but feels so glad when meet him. Lomov says that he wants to propose Natalya, Chubunkov’s daughter. Chubunkov is very happy when hears that and directly accepts the proposal. Lomov feels he is not proper man to Natalya. It is the right time for Lomov to ask Natalya in marriage.
Chubunkov shouts to call Natlya. Natalya enters to drawing room. She seems happy and shy. First they are talking about the wheather. Then when Lomov discusses Oxen meadows is his mine, Natalya becomes dies angry and says disagreement. She quarrels with Lomov to get land right. Natalya humiliates Lomov, she thinks that he is a good neighbor but Lomov is just a Land-grabber, Lomov cannot control has emotional sense and shout to Natalya. Natalya complais to her father and ask to him to state that Meadows is Chubukov’s mine. Lomov accuses Chubukov has taken the Meadows from Lomov’s family. He thinks that the Lomov’s is honourable people.
The situation becomes more critical, Lomov and Chubukov humiliate their family each other. Lomov’s heart cannot stop palpitate. Then he decides to leave that house. After Lomovs leaving them, Chubukov forget to say that actually Lemov’s co,oing is to propose Natalya. He wants to make a proposal. Natalya is shocked when hear that. She wants Lomov comeback soon. Natalya shall acknowledge that Oxen Meadows is Lomov’s mine. She also asks forgiving abaout debating before. Chubukov is greatly asthonished with the alteration of his daughter opinion.
Natalya and Lomov talk of something else. They talk about their dogs. But they repeat their fight anymore. Lomov argues that Guess is the best dog. He is a first-rate dog. But Natalya disagree it, the squeezer is better than Guess. They do it again, humiliate to each other. Chubukov joins the dispute. They compare their dogs and tell the ugliness.
Suddenly, Lomov feels numb and collapse. Natalya shouts to her papa, Lomov has died. Chubukov is frightened and take a drink to make Lomov awake. Unexpectedly, Lomov becomes aware, and Chubukov ask to them marry as quickly. Natalya is willing to marry with Lomov. They kiss each other,, and Natalya said that Lomov wants to admit Guess is worse that squeezer. Lomov disagree it, and argues that Guess is the best.

4. Conclusion
The conclusion is content the man and the society. In this story, the man faced by the society in around.

Selasa, 17 Mei 2011

Makanan yang Tidak Boleh Digabung dengan Obat

by Vera Farah Bararah - detikHealth

Jakarta, Makanan memang menjadi sumber energi yang penting bagi tubuh. Tapi beberapa makanan diketahui bisa menimbulkan interaksi dengan obat tertentu. Ketahui makanan apa saja yang tidak boleh digabung dengan obat.

"Kuncinya adalah tidak mengubah secara drastis pola makan saat minum obat tertentu, tapi tanyakan pada dokter mengenai potensi interaksi yang mungkin terjadi," ujar Dr jane Alder, dosen farmakologi dari University of Central Lancashire, seperti dikutip dari Dailymail, Selasa (17/5/2011).

Dr Alder akan menjelaskan beberapa makanan yang sebaiknya tidak dikombinasikan dengan obat tertentu karena bisa membuat obat jadi tidak berguna atau justru berbahaya yaitu:

1. Jus buah
Grapefruit mengandung senyawa yang disebut dengan furanokumarin yang bisa mencegah enzim dalam usus untuk menjaga benda asing tetap berada di luar, sehingga tidak bekerja secara optimal. Kondisi ini akan membuat lebih banyak obat yang diserap sehingga efektivitasnya bisa 2-3 kali lipat dari dosis yang dianjurkan.

Sebaiknya tidak mencampur jus grapefruit dengan obat untuk mengobati irama jantung abnormal, antidepresan, antihistamin (obat alergi), statin dan obat anti kejang. Sedangkan jus cranberry dan jus delima bisa memperlambat kecepatan hati untuk memecah pengencer darah obat dan pada obat antidepresan bisa menyebabkan penurunan efektifitas obat.

2. Makanan produk susu
Kalsium dalam susu bisa mengikat tetrasiklik dan minosiklik dari antibiotik. Jika kandungan antibiotik ini digabung dengan mineral akan membuatnya tidak larut dalam usus sehingga tidak diserap oleh tubuh. Mengonsumsi susu setengah liter bisa mengurangi efektivitas antibiotik hingga 80 persen. Kalsium juga bisa mengganggu penyerapan obat osteoporosis. Hindari minum susu dalam waktu 2 jam sebelum minum obat.

3. Makanan fermentasi
Makanan hasil fermentasi seperti keju yang mengandung tyramine dalam konsentrasi tinggi bisa menyebabkan 'sindrom keju'. Tyramine akan bereaksi dengan obat antidepresan yang disebut monoamine oxidase inhibitor (MAOIs) dengan mencegah enzim yang berfungsi mencerna senyawa. Kondisi ini akan mengakibatkan tekanan darah tinggi yang berbahaya.

4. Daging panggang
Penderita asma harus menghindari daging panggang karena kandungan karbonnya bisa membentuk senyawa yang mencegah obat asma dengan teofilinn bekerja secara optimal. Selain itu karbon ini juga bisa memicu serangan asma meskipun sudah mengonsumsi obat.

5. Sayuran hijau
sebagian besar sayuran hijau termasuk bayam, kol dan teh hijau mengandung kadar vitamin K yang tinggi dan bisa memicu pembekuan darah. Jika dikonsumsi dengan obat pengencer darah akan membuatnya menjadi tidak berguna.

6. Makanan berserat
Makanan yang tinggi serat bisa memperlambat penyebaran banyak obat termasuk digoxin yang digunakan untuk mengatur detak jantung tidak teratur, obat diabetes metformin dan mencegah penyerapan obat penurun kolesterol statin. Tapi bukan berarti makanan berserat harus dihilangkan dari menu makanan, tapi hindari mengonsumsinya dalam waktu 2 jam sebelum minum obat.